Self Care During Transformation

Self-care is often portrayed as a practice of indulgence—bubble baths, pampering, luxurious moments of solitude. While these things have their place, I’ve come to realize that true self-care runs much deeper, especially during periods of personal transformation. It’s about building a relationship with yourself, nurturing that connection, and learning to walk through the challenging moments of change with grace and compassion.

As I’ve navigated my own journey, I’ve come to understand that self-care is not just about treating myself well on the outside; it’s about fostering self-awareness, showing myself kindness in moments of doubt, and embracing the complexity of my emotions as I transform. Let’s dive into what self-care truly looks like during this journey of rebirth and how we can practice it in a meaningful way.

The Shift in Perception About Self-Care

When I first started thinking about self-care, I had a hard time relating to the ways society often defines it. Social media made it seem like self-care was all about picture-perfect rituals, like sipping tea in a perfectly curated space or indulging in expensive treats. Honestly, it felt exhausting to try and live up to that image. As a wife and mom, it seemed like too much work to incorporate those “Instagram-worthy” practices into my life.

But through this journey of transformation, my perception of self-care has shifted. It’s not about creating a picture-perfect moment. Self-care, for me, is about building and maintaining a relationship with myself. We take time to cultivate relationships with others, but how often do we give the same care and attention to the relationship we have with ourselves? This is especially important during seasons of transformation and rebirth.

A Moment of Vulnerability

I’ll be honest—I’ve been really hard on myself during this rebirth journey. I’ve doubted myself, second-guessed my decisions, and struggled with feelings of inadequacy. For weeks, I was tuck in a spiral of negative thoughts, feeling suffocated by the pressure I was putting on myself. There were moments when I wanted to give up, to scrap everything and start over.

But then, Spirit reminded me of why I’m on this journey in the first place. Becoming deeply rooted isn’t about having it all figured out. It’s about allowing myself to be vulnerable, to learn, and to grow along the way. In that moment of realization, I decided to start being more gentle with myself. I began to see that building a relationship with myself—one rooted in love, compassion, and patience—is the foundation I need to continue on this path.

Can you relate to this? Have you ever found yourself stuck, overwhelmed by negative thoughts, and questioning the path you’re on? In those moments, how can you be more gentle with yourself as you navigate your own journey?

Self-Care as a Foundation for Transformation

Without practicing self-care, I know I’m at risk of reverting to old habits—habits that hold me back and stop me from fully embracing the changes I want to see in my life. Self-care is the relationship I’m building with myself to stay grounded, even when things get tough. It’s this foundation that will help me process emotions, handle stress, and navigate uncertainty.

So, what are some self-care strategies that we can practice to begin building and maintaining a loving relationship with ourselves?

  • The first step is to honor yourself for even being on this journey. Celebrate the fact that you’re committed to building a relationship with yourself. Self-care starts with acknowledging that you deserve the same love, attention, and compassion that you give to others.

  • Self-care will look different for everyone. For me, it’s about starting my day with joyful, quiet moments—like meditating or watching the sunrise. It’s about taking time for myself before the world demands my attention. One practice I used to love was reading a self-love prayer every morning from The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz. I’d even tweak the wording so it felt personal like I was speaking directly to myself. What does self-care look and feel like for you?

  • I’ve found that writing down three things I’m grateful for every day helps me stay grounded in self-love. This could be things I’m thankful for about myself or small moments that bring me joy. I also use affirmations to remind myself of my worth, especially when I’m feeling uncertain or overwhelmed. These simple practices can create a powerful shift in how we view ourselves.

  • One thing that’s come up for me intuitively is the need to be more intentional with my spiritual practice. I’m still figuring out what this looks like, but I’m committed to following Spirit’s lead. Whether it’s through prayer, meditation, or simply connecting with nature, being intentional about spirituality can help deepen our relationship with ourselves.

  • Setting boundaries is a form of self-care that we often overlook. Create dedicated time for yourself each day—whether it’s quiet time, a creative outlet, or a moment to relax. Find at least one thing you enjoy doing and make space for it daily. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; it could be as simple as dancing around your living room or taking a peaceful walk.

Walking This Journey Together

As we continue to navigate this journey of self-care during transformation, remember that this is a process. Self-care is about getting to know yourself on a deeper level, discovering what brings you joy, and nurturing your well-being with the same care you give to others. This relationship you’re building with yourself will become the foundation of your transformation.

I’m walking this journey with you, learning alongside you. Together, we can build and maintain the relationship with ourselves that will carry us through both the beauty and the challenges of life.

Words of Inspiration

Before we close, I want to encourage you to give yourself grace. Choose one small act of self-care to incorporate into your life this week. Whether it’s journaling, setting a boundary, or taking time for quiet reflection, start with one thing that helps you build a loving relationship with yourself.

The power of self-care lies in its ability to ground us in who we are, especially during seasons of rebirth. Treat yourself with the same love and kindness you would offer a close friend on this journey. Remember, the relationship you’re building with yourself will become the foundation for everything else in your life.

Time to Reflect

What is one self-care practice you can start this week to begin building a deeper relationship with yourself?

Take a moment to reflect on your self-care journey and share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s support each other as we nurture ourselves during this season of transformation.

Until next time, keep nourishing your roots and flourishing your soul.


Rediscovering Identity: Beyond Wife & Mom


Embracing Our Seasons of Transformation